2012 Membership Renewal

ZAGNY Board invites you to be a part of the tri-state Zoroastrian community.

Become a 2012 ZAGNY MEMBER and avail of member registration rates for ZAGNY events; be a part of our email list to receive community news-flashes and event updates; subscribe to our info-packed newsletters; bring your tots-n-teens to the Darbe Mehr for monthly Religion Classes; and share in the pride of hosting the XVI North American Zarathushti Congress, 2012 as a ZAGNY member! 

New members are welcome to join our growing tri-state community! Existing members, kindly renew your membership to continue to participate in ZAGNY events and activities. Your Board has strived not to increase membership dues and has maintained the same membership rates as in the past year.

To register online, click here https://zagny.org/1696607262773/membership/ .

Or download form here: https://zagny.org/1696607262773/files/ZAGNY-Membership-2012.pdf  and mail along with your check.

We look forward to your participation as a 2012 ZAGNY MEMBER and count on your support through membership dues and donations.

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