Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Ashdeen Brings Creations to New York and Los Angeles

In his debut trunk show in United States, Ashdeen Lilaowala brings his collection to New York and Los Angeles this June. Brilliant textile designer and entrepreneur, Ashdeen’s work has found acclaim in India and all over the world.

Ashdeen will be embarking on his USA tour with a kick off exhibition in Los Angeles at the Zoroastrian Association of California on June 11, and then two back to back exhibitions and sale in New York and New Jersey exclusively organized by the Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York. Behroze Clubwala who is spearheading this effort in New York is happy that her idea that germinated a few years ago has finally materialized.

Behroze writes

“ ZAGNY is hosting an outstanding fashion event and sale of hand-embroidered gara work on Saris, Lenghas, Shawls, Stoles, Dresses, Jackets and evening clutch bags on 16th June in midtown Manhattan and on 17th June in Princeton NJ. These events promises to be a wonderful opportunity to bring friends and all those who admire and treasure hand-embroidered gara type creations.  Ashdeen, the young designer from Mumbai, working out of his atelier in New Delhi has designed and created unique fashion designs and exquisite work based on the old gara designs and motifs that originated in ancient Persia and China. You will fall in love with his creations, but you must come to see them.

Ashdeen’s designs and creations have been acclaimed worlwide and beyond dressing celebrities like Beyonce and Mariah Carey, has also dressed many haute couture clients in Europe and Bollywood.  This is is first show in the US and a certain portion of the proceeds will go to ZAGNY for the upkeep of its new Dar-E-Mehr. “

During the two events Ashdeen will be available to consult on future creations to create special designs for you based on your tastes, needs and your wardrobe. He will also give a short talk on his research and work.

To see more of his designs, please check out ASHDEEN or on ZAGNY’s website at www.zagny.org/ashdeen.

Ashdeen’s creations will be available for purchase online, for those who cannot be there in person.




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