Religious Class for Kids: January 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: February 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesCelebration of Prof Kaikhosrov D. Irani’s Legacy
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesIt was not long ago, that we lost our beloved Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani, a stalwart of our Zarathushti community. We have been notified that the Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY) is one of the beneficiaries of the “Kaikhosrov D. and Piroja K. Irani Trust”. The other beneficiaries are also other Zoroastrian organizations.…
Religious Class for Kids: March 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesFEZANA UN NGO Committee Panel Discussion
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesZAGNY and FEZANA’s United Nations Non-Governmental Committee Presents A Panel Workshop at the Arbab Rustam Guiv Dar-E-Mehr, 106 Pomona Road, Pamona, NY 10901 on Sunday, March 10th, 2019 at 11:00 AM. FEZANA has 9 participants representing Zoroastrians at the Commission on the Status of Women Conference in New York from March 11th to 22nd, 2019. …
Jamshedi Navroz 2019 Celebrations
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesBuy Your Tickets Now:
3rd Salgreh of the Dar-E-Mehr
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesThe Third Salgreh (Anniversary) of the inauguration of our Dar-E-Mehr shall be celebrated on March 26, 2019 Tentative Program 5:00pm : Members and Guests Arrive: Coffee + light snacks 6:00pm: Jashan starts 7:15 pm: Dinner. You need to RSVP if you are attending, so we can cater for the correct headcount. Please RSVP here.
Religious Class for Kids: April 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesZAGNY Annual General Meeting 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesFEZANA & WZCC Annual General Meetings 2019
WZCC and FEZANA AGM in Orlando, Florida.
Religious Class for Kids: May 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Annual General Meeting 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: June 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesNAMC Annual General Meeting
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesNorth American Mobed Council Annual General Meeting 2019
Felicitation: Ervad Pervez Patel
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesIvy Gandhi Z-Camp
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesParsi General Fund Raiser Jashan
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesZAGNY Annual Picnic
Red Barn - Allendale 360 W Crescent Ave,, Allendale, New Jersey, United StatesWZCC Gahambar
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDetails T B A
Muktad for community @ the Dar-e-Mehr
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United States2019 Parsi New Year Function
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesAdult Members: $ 40 per person
Adult Non-Member Guests: $ 60 per person
Children 5-12 years: $ 25
Toddlers 0-5 years: Free
Annual Joint Religious Class [ZAGNY, ZAPANJ, ZAGBA & ZAMWI]
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesFOURTH ANNUAL JOINT RELIGIOUS CLASS ZAGNY – ZAPANJ – ZAGBA – ZAMWI Saturday, September 14, 2019 Our Joint religious class with ZAPANJ, ZAGBA, ZAMWI and ZAGNY is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 14th at our New York Dar-e-Mehr. ZAGNY again looks forward to welcoming the children and adults from our sister organizations for this much anticipated…
Z’s Got Talent (DMZT – Annual O&M Fund Raiser)
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesANNUAL O&M FUND FUNDRAISER EVENT BY THE YOUTH – FOR THE YOUTH Our Dar-e-Mehr is utilized more than we could imagine, hosting more events, with more people attending each event, and bringing in so many new faces - truly building the sense of community we hoped to create! So let’s come together to safeguard this…
Religious Class for Kids: October 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesUdvada Atash Behram Fundraiser
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: November 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesK. D. IRANI MEMORIAL LECTURE SERIES 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesPROGRAM 10:30 am: Arrival. Tea/Coffee 11:00 am: “Green in Zoroastrianism” by Tehemton Mirza 12:00 noon: “Early Development of Zoroastrianism and it’s Influence on Other Religions” by Cawas Desai 1:00 pm: LUNCH 2:00 pm: "The importance of Truth in Zoroastrianism" by Lovji Cama 3:00 pm: To be determined 4:00 pm: Tea/Coffee There is no registration fee,…
Religious Class for Kids: December 2019
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesNew Year’s Eve Function
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesAmazing Food Fun Games Surprise Gifts Non Stop DJ Adult Members : 40 $ Adult Non-Members: 60 $ Children 5-12: 25 $ Toddlers : FREE
Religious Class for Kids: January 2020
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: February 2020
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: March 2020
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesJamshedi Navroze Celebrations
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United States4th Salgreh Of Dar-E-Mehr
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United States2020 ZAGNY AGM & Board Elections
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: May 2020
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United States2020 DMZT AGM & Trustee Elections
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesReligious Class for Kids: June 2020
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesParsi General Fund Raiser Jashan
Virtual on ZOOMZAGNY Movie Nite
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesHumbandangi ON ZOOM
Virtual on ZOOM10th Day Dasmah Prayers for Ervad Rohinton Madon
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Ahunavaiti Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Ushtavaiti Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Spentamainyu Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Vohuxshathra Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community @ the Dar-e-Mehr
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesVirtual Cooking Class Series: Chapat
Virtual on ZOOMVirtual Cooking Class Series: Patra Ni Macchi
Virtual on ZOOMZAGNY Thanksgiving Zoom meeting
Virtual on ZOOM2020 K. D. Irani Memorial Lecture Series
Virtual on ZOOMThe 2020 K. D. Irani Memorial Lecture Series will be held virtually over ZOOM on Saturday December 19, at 1:00 PM EST (10 AM Pacific | 6 PM London | 9:30 PM Tehran | 11 PM Karachi | 11:30 PM Bombay). This annual event organized by ZAGNY, commemorates the life and work of our beloved Prof. Irani with talks on topics that…
ZAGNY Virtual Cook-Along Class
Virtual on ZOOMPrayer Room Open at DM
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Board has arranged to have the Dar-e-Mehr prayer room open on the third Sunday of each month between the hours of 12 noon to 2 PM (EST). During this time, a Mobed will be available to perform the prayers. However, please note the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks at all times…
Virtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids: January
Virtual on ZOOMVIRTUAL ZAGNY Talent Show
Virtual on ZOOMJoin our first VIRTUAL ZAGNY Talent Show featuring ZAGNY members Program and details on how to join the event will follow soon........ Calling out our talented adult ZAGNY community to participate in an evening of fun! Saturday, January 16, 2021, at 7:00 PM EST. Deadline to submit entries for this event: Monday, January 4, 2021 After…
Virtual Cooking Class Series – Parsi Love Affair with Eedas
Virtual on ZOOM“Interpretations of Asho Zarathushtra’s Teachings in the Gathas with Relevance to Business and Entrepreneurship”
Virtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids
Virtual on ZOOMVirtual Cooking Class Series: Kheema Pattice
Virtual on ZOOMFor our 5th Session we have yet another popular Parsi favorite KHEEMA PATTICE Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM EST Plan your Sunday brunch and learn to make these yummy Kheema Pattice with Chef Rita Kapadia. Please have the following items ready to make these pattice with us. Ingredients 1 Cup pre-made Kheema. Please note…
Prayer Room Open at DM
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Board has arranged to have the Dar-e-Mehr prayer room open on the third Sunday of each month between the hours of 12 noon to 2 PM (EST). During this time, a Mobed will be available to perform the prayers. However, please note the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks at all times…
Virtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids
Virtual on ZOOMInaugural Jashan for the 12 WZC 2022
Virtual on ZOOMInaugural Jashan for the 12th WZC 2022 NYC Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 11:00 am EST (8:30 pm IST, 11:00 pm Hongkong/Sydney, 3:00 pm UK) Join ZOOM Meeting Meeting ID: 932 9229 5718 Passcode: WZC2022
Navroz – Trivia Evening
Virtual on ZOOMCelebrate Navroze with your ZAGNY Family by joining us for Trivia Night on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM EST Details on registration to follow........ Let’s make the most of the tail-end of the lockdown and have fun at our Family Game Night over Zoom. Children, parents, grandparents can all join the family home team and win prizes…
Dar-e-Mehr Salgrah
Virtual on ZOOM5th Salgreh of Arbab Rustam Guiv Dar-e-Mehr in New York. The 5th Salgreh (Anniversary) of our Dar-E-Mehr falls on Friday, March 26, 2021. Due to the continued COVID restrictions, we will be live-streaming the Boi Ceremony. Zoom/ Live Stream Details Time: Mar 26, 2021, 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 979…
Virtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids
Virtual on ZOOM2021 ZAGNY AGM – Virtual
Virtual on ZOOMZAGNY Virtual Annual General Meeting 2021 These continue to be unprecedented times. In light of this, ZAGNY will hold our Annual General Meeting live via ZOOM (see details below). ZAGNY’s Annual General Meeting will be held onSunday. April 4, 2021 at 10:15am ZAGNY AGM Virtual Zoom Meeting Link Meeting ID: 978 8595 5935 Passcode: 552226
Prayer Room Open at DM
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Board has arranged to have the Dar-e-Mehr prayer room open on the third Sunday of each month between the hours of 12 noon to 2 PM (EST). During this time, a Mobed will be available to perform the prayers. However, please note the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks at all times…
Virtual Walking Tour
Virtual on ZOOMVirtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids
Virtual on ZOOMAGENDA FOR THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE DAR-E-MEHR ZOROASTRIAN TEMPLE OF POMONA, NEW YORK Notice is hereby posted that the Annual General Meeting of the Dar-e-Mehr Zoroastrian Temple will be held on Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. REMOTELY via ZOOM to conduct the following business: a) Chairperson’s Address to the Congregation. b) Secretary’s Report for the year 2020-2021. c) …
Prayer Room Open at DM
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Board has arranged to have the Dar-e-Mehr prayer room open on the third Sunday of each month between the hours of 12 noon to 2 PM (EST). During this time, a Mobed will be available to perform the prayers. However, please note the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks at all times…
Virtual Hambandagi Prayers + Religious Classes for Kids
Virtual on ZOOMPrayer Room Open at DM
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDMZT Board has arranged to have the Dar-e-Mehr prayer room open on the third Sunday of each month between the hours of 12 noon to 2 PM (EST). During this time, a Mobed will be available to perform the prayers. However, please note the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks at all times…
BBQ/Movie night
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesParsee General Hospital Fundraiser Jashan
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDear friends, We hope to see you all at our annual jashan in honor of Parsee General Hospital (PGH) this SUNDAY, JULY 25th at 11:30 am, at our beautiful Dar-e-Mehr. Lunch will follow the jashan. Those who wish to attend must RSVP by clicking on the "Register Now" button below so we can prepare accordingly. Also, refer…
Muktad for Community – Ahunavaiti Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Ushtavaiti Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Spentamainyu Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community – Vohuxshathra Gatha
Virtual on ZOOMMuktad for Community @ the Dar-e-Mehr
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesNavroze Function
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesMonthly Religion Class for Kids
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesGEN Z Survey: Results Review and Discussion.
Dar-E-Mehr 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY, United StatesDate: Saturday, October 28, 2023 Time: 12:30 PM Lunch, hosted by Aashish and Dinyar Devitre 1:15 PM Review and Discussion 3:15 PM Tea and Cookies At: NY Dar-e-Mehr, 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY 10901 PLEASE JOIN US FOR A FIRST-EVER REVIEW AND DISCUSSION OF THE GEN Z AND BEYOND SURVEY RESULTS! You are invited to…