Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Category Archives: General

ZAGNY AGM 2012: The Secretary’s Report


Good afternoon everyone.

I am happy to present the Secretary’s report for the first year of the 2011-2014 term of the ZAGNY Board. On behalf of the Board, I extend a warm welcome to the families who became ZAGNY members in 2011. Congratulations to the newlyweds and navjote kids, and condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.

The new Board took office in March 2011, under the able leadership of President Gev Nentin and has since worked tirelessly to organize numerous events and activities. The responsibility of the Secretary and Joint Secretary, amongst other things, is to timely communicate information pertaining to the tri-state and the North American Zoroastrian community, to our members. We achieve this objective through our newsletters and I would like to take a moment to acknowledge our outstanding newsletter team members, Nina Mistry, for her help and dedication in creating and compiling the newsletters you have enjoyed reading this past year; and Arzan Sam Wadia, who is responsible for posting each newsletter on our website and sending the numerous e-blast communications to the community. I would also like to recognize the dedicated support of Kaika Clubwala in printing and mailing the hard copies of our newsletters.

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ZAGNY will be participating in the premier India Day Parade on Sunday August 21st 2011 in New York City.

This is a great opportunity for us to showcase our community as this Parade is televised live over various Indian channels and even the mainstream media like CBS, NBC, ABC cover it in their daily round up.

This additional visibility will also help us during our various fund raising endeavors for the Congress next year.

We are seeking volunteers who can participate in the Parade as part of the ZAGNY group.

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Secretary’s Report 2011

Below is The Secretary’s Report for year 2010 – 2011. This was filed by Behroz Dutia, Secretary ZAGNY for 2008 – 2011

Good evening and Navroz Mubark to everyone!

As this is my last report as Secretary of ZAGNY, at this time I would like to convey what an honor and pleasure it was to serve you all. The past three years, 2008-2011, kept me quite busy with ZAGNY related matters. I joined as a Member-at-large, but in a couple of months was soon presented with the challenging task of being the Secretary of ZAGNY. I sincerely hope that I have met my requirements for this position and satisfied all your needs and expectations.

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2011 Membership Renewal is Online

ZAGNY 2011 Annual Membership renewal time is upon us. This year you can renew your membership online and pay for it using a credit/debit card.

Even if you are a returning member, we would appreciate if you fill out the entire form so that we have the latest data from your end updated in our digital database. This also ensures that we receive your membership information and payment immediately and there are no pages to print out, stamps to be stuck, checks to be written and trips to the mailbox.

We thank everyone in advance for your continued support of the past years and look forward to more of the same in 2011 and the coming years.

The membership form is located here: https://zagny.org/1696607262773/membership/

ZAGNY: Fall 2010 Survey

UPDATE: The Survey is now closed. You can view the questions below. However at this time we are not accepting any more entries. We thank everyone who submitted their responses. A concise summary of the findings of the same shall be made public in the near future and the entire results used and evaluated to help the current and future ZAGNY Boards serve the community better.



The Board Members of ZAGNY are initiating a survey of all the members in an effort to continuously improve the functioning of ZAGNY and the hosting of various events and functions.

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