Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Category Archives: General

Gool Kothawala Essay Contest 2010

Dear Students and Parents

Our 5thd annual GOOL KOTHAWALA ESSAY CONTEST has arrived! Here’s a chance for them to do some writing in the summer and add to their list of achievements!

Essay Topics: (Both 7-11 age group and the 12-17 age group)

1) How do you work for goodness and resist ‘Ahriman’ (evil) in your life?

2) Have you ever seen or done an “Unexpected act of kindness”? Tell us the story and how it made you feel.

3) If you were asked “What is at the heart of the Zoroastrian faith?”, what would you say?

4) “Life is an echo – what you send out comes back” Do you agree with this Chinese Proverb? Why?

Contest Rules:

  • Essays can be humorous, heartfelt, or practical.
  • They should be personal and anecdotal.
  • Students must submit original work, and be current members of ZAGNY.
  • Essays should be about 200 words (This is only 1 typed page with double spacing), please use MS-Word (it does the word count as well).
  • Entries should be emailed to navmerch2002@yahoo.com with Name, Contact number, & Age of participant, on or before August 8th 2010.
  • Essays will be judged in two categories, the 7-11 age group and the 12-17 age group. One first prize of $50 will be awarded in each category. Certificates will be awarded to 2nd and 3rd place entries in each category.
  • Prizes will be awarded at the Pateti function or the first religious class in September.


Contestants names will be masked from the judges. Of course, the judges decision is final. All entries are the property of The Gool Kothawala Essay Competition.

Udvada's High Priest to visit Darbe Mehr

Dasturji Khushru Kaikobad Dastur, our High Priest of Udvada Atashbehram, will be performing a Jashan at 11 AM on Sat. May 15, 2010 and addressing the Zarathushti community at 12 noon at the Pomona Darbe Mehr. It is a luncheon get together hosted by ZAGNY and sponsored by Mr. Erach Munshi. Our esteemed Dasturji will present the History of Iranshah, how our Holy Fire in Udvada, India was consecrated and explain the significance of our basic daily prayers. Questions and Answers will follow his talk.
If you plan to attend, please contact Erach at 212-865-6683.
The luncheon is free, but donation to ZAGNY Critical Assistance Fund, re:Udvada Atashbehram, will be gladly accepted.

Extension of deadline for Nominations to DMZT Board of Trustees, 2010

Dear DMZT Congregation Member,


A few weeks ago a letter was sent by the DMZT Trustees announcing the date of May 2, 2010 for the AGM, as well as a call for nominations to the Board of Trustees. As mentioned in the letter there are two outgoing Trustees, Fali Shroff and Firdosh Mehta, who are eligible for reelection. However both the trustees have decided not to rerun and no nominations have been received from the members of our congregation, by the due date of Friday March 26, 2010.


In light of the above events, the Trustees of the DMZT have decided to extend the date for the nominations to the Board of Trustees, to midnight Wednesday April 7, 2010.


Please email your nominations to me (Viraf Commissariat) at viraf@att.net prior to the April 7, 2010 deadline. You can also contact me at 203-929-8469 if needed. I also request that you mail a hard copy of the nomination form to Eruch Munshi, ASAP. Click here to find a copy of the AGM announcement and nomination form.


I thank you for your continued support and please pass this message along to other members of the DMZT congregation.


Thanking you,


Viraf P. Commissariat
DMZT, Secretary


Please note that the Registration for March 20, 2010 Navroze function at the Pomona Darbe Mehr is still open. A reminder if you have not sent in your registration, to please do so at your earliest by contacting Kerman Dukandar. For furhter info. please refer to our February 2010 newsletter posted on the website.

Wishing everyone a very Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year ahead!

Thank You   –   ZAGNY Board