Category Archives: Special Announcements

World Gujarati Congress 2006 & TV coverage

Hello All,
I once again would like to express my sincere thanks to each and everyone of you, and through you to your families, for the tremendous success for our participation at the World Gujarati Congress.  No other Parsi was left towards the end of the Conference to hear the thanks from the Chairman of the Conference to all the participants.  Dr. Navin Patel read out the names of all the Participants from the program and added a few words/sentences about the first time that they were able to share this Congress with “Parsi/Zoroastrian community participation with the help of ZAGNY”.
You may also like to know that SAHARA TV will broadcast a special review of the Conference at 12 Noon on September 9.  Those with Dish can watch this program, and if possible, record it for others.  Hosang Patel and Sulekh from Sahara TV came to our booth on the last day to record the whole Pavilion and interviews with Framroze & myself. This TV presentation will also be repeated on Sunday, 10th September at 5-30 PM. Please publicize this info to your friends & relatives.


Fali Chothia Educational Scholarships – 2006

The Fali Chothia Charitable Trust is accepting applications for its 17th annual scholarship awards. Scholarships are open to all Zoroastrian students in North America enrolled in four-year or graduate-level programs. Awards are based on financial need, academic achievement, extracurricular activity and community service. They are given as outright gifts or no- and low-interest loans.

To demonstrate solidarity and trust between organizations while serving community causes, the US Chapter of the World Zoroastrian Organisation is joining the Fali Chothia Trust’s 2005-06 Scholarship Program. This partnership will enable the Trust to significantly increase the amount of its scholarships.

Forms are available in PDF format here.

The Fali Chothia Charitable Trust was established in 1988 under the Zoroastrian Association of Metropolitan Washington, Inc. (ZAMWI). The Trust provides scholarships to deserving Zoroastrian students enrolled in universities in North America, regardless of their country of origin.

ZAGNY Scholarships – Applications Due 8/31/06

ZAGNY SCHOLARSHIPS: We invite applications for financial assistance (Scholarship/Loan) for the academic year 2006-2007 from members who are studying at accredited institutions in the United States. Applicants should be full-time students. The last date for filing an application is August 31, 2006. Scholarship Application forms are available here and additional information can be obtained from the scholarship committee chairperson:

Sherazad Y. Mehta
405 West 48th Street, Apt 1FE
New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212-307-1712

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Condolences to ZAGNY families

  • Mr. Pesi Commissariat, father of Viraf Commissariat, passed away in Mumbai, India, on July 13.
  • Shiroy Ranji’s father, Col. Hosi Ranji, passed away in Pune, India, today (11th July) at  8:30 PM local time.
  • Satish Modi’s father, Dr. Modi, passed away in Rajkot, India, on Sunday, 9th July.

May the Almighty grant their respective souls eternal peace. Our condolences to Commissariat, Ranji and Modi families respectively.

-Homi Gandhi