Hello All,
I once again would like to express my sincere thanks to each and everyone of you, and through you to your families, for the tremendous success for our participation at the World Gujarati Congress. No other Parsi was left towards the end of the Conference to hear the thanks from the Chairman of the Conference to all the participants. Dr. Navin Patel read out the names of all the Participants from the program and added a few words/sentences about the first time that they were able to share this Congress with “Parsi/Zoroastrian community participation with the help of ZAGNY”.
You may also like to know that SAHARA TV will broadcast a special review of the Conference at 12 Noon on September 9. Those with Dish can watch this program, and if possible, record it for others. Hosang Patel and Sulekh from Sahara TV came to our booth on the last day to record the whole Pavilion and interviews with Framroze & myself. This TV presentation will also be repeated on Sunday, 10th September at 5-30 PM. Please publicize this info to your friends & relatives.