Category Archives: Uncategorized

Farah's One-Woman Show – From New York to India and back…

Note to ZAGNY members – click here for a discount to the show

Farah Bala, one of the participant of the Zarathushti Field Student program who attended the 7th World Zoroastrian Congress, Houston, TX, has a stellar show in New York in the upcoming weeks. Details are below:

TO THE DEATH OF MY OWN FAMILY, David Meth’s riveting play features Farah Bala in an internationally acclaimed one-woman performance which tells the story of an Afghan-American woman who returns to Afghanistan to help her father escape, only to witness the carnage of her entire family. Upon her return to the U.S., she is interrogated as a suspect, detained, humiliated and forced to justify her journey in order to reclaim her citizenship. Meth’s dramatic nonlinear play is the story of people caught between cultures, a chronicle of the suffering one bears when human rights are violated.

This controversial play has toured the U.S. for over two and one-half years opens at the Abrons Arts Center at the Henry Street Settlement on Thursday, September 27, 2007 for three weeks. 

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Pateti Function – Saturday August 25th, 2007

ZAGNY will hold its annual Pateti function at the Pomona Darbe Mehr on Saturday, Aug 25th. We have a fun filled program and all are encouraged to attend. 

Registration will start at 5:15 PM. The program will begin with an “Atash Niayesh” prayer at 5:30 PM, followed by cocktails, between 6 and 7 PM ONLY. Once the cocktail hour has closed, we have entertainment, including a play by our Religion class students and award ceremony. This will be followed by good old Parsi bhonu and dancing.

Please avoid the late surcharge and kindly mail the registration form (page 7 of our July Newsletter) to reach us by August 19th.

If you need a ride from the city, please contact Shahnaz Shroff ( or Vispi Kanga

Muktad Prayers – August 15-19

Our Zoroastrian community is invited to participate in the Muktad Prayers for all five days from August 15th through August 19th, 2007. In order to accommodate workday schedules, ZAGNY is offering the community prayer services in several locations around the tri-state area with the generous help from some of our members. Our thanks go out to the host families who have graciously volunteered their homes and to the Priests who have kindly agreed to perform the prayers.

The muktad prayers at the Darbe Mehr will be held on Sunday August 19th at 11:00 AM. This will be sponsored by Yasmin and Jamshed Ghadiali in memory of Khorshed Jungalwala. Those wishing to donate, make your check payable to ZAGNY-Memo “For Khorshed Jungalwala Lecture Series”.

Lunch will be served after the prayers.  For more information, and to submit names, please use the form in our July newsletter.

Annual ZAGNY Picnic – Sunday July 29, 2007


Come join us with kids, families and friends for our annual ZAGNY picnic. We hope to have a great response for this picnic.

LOCATION:  Shepherd Lake Recreation Area located in Ringwood State Park (Ringwood, NJ )

DATE:  Sunday July 29, 2007.

The spring-fed waters of the 74-acre Shepherd Lake are brisk and invigorating and offer:

  • Picnicking: tables & food concession at Shepherd Lake
  • Boating/canoeing:  electric motors, trailer launch, cartop launch, boat rentals, canoe rentals
  • Swimming
  • Fishing
  • Hiking Trails
  • Horseback riding
  • etc, etc

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Sadeh Celebration

Dear Friends:

The Iranian Zoroastrian Association (IZA) will be celebrating the Zoroastrian/Iranian holiday of Sadeh and the life of Iranian scholar Shahpour Shahbazi on January 27th at 4:30 PM at Darbe Mehr in Pomona, New York.  As Sadeh celebrates the discovery of fire and the start of human civilization, Doctor Shahbazi was a bright light in the study and knowledge of Ancient Iran, and made this knowledge known to the world permanently.

The program will start at 4:30 and include:

  • Prayers by Mobed Noshir Hormuzdiar
  • Speech by Dr. Farhang Mehr
  • Some words from Miss Roodabeh Shahbazi
  • Starting the Sadeh Fire
  • Live music with Shahrokh Vafah
  • Dinner and Desert

You are invited to attend this celebration with us. The admission price for members is $25 and $35 for non-members, with phone reservation.  The price at the door (without a phone reservation) is an additional $10.  Children under seven are free.  For reservations, please contact:

  • Mr. Bahram Soroosh at 908-359-1140 or Ms. Shirin Khosravi at 631-470-0884 or Mr. Parviz Hooshangi-Kermani at 845-227-6525.

Iranian Zoroastrian Association – 106 Pomona Road, Suffern, NY 10901