Note to ZAGNY members – click here for a discount to the show!
Farah Bala, one of the participant of the Zarathushti Field Student program who attended the 7th World Zoroastrian Congress, Houston, TX, has a stellar show in New York in the upcoming weeks. Details are below:
TO THE DEATH OF MY OWN FAMILY, David Meth’s riveting play features Farah Bala in an internationally acclaimed one-woman performance which tells the story of an Afghan-American woman who returns to Afghanistan to help her father escape, only to witness the carnage of her entire family. Upon her return to the U.S., she is interrogated as a suspect, detained, humiliated and forced to justify her journey in order to reclaim her citizenship. Meth’s dramatic nonlinear play is the story of people caught between cultures, a chronicle of the suffering one bears when human rights are violated.
This controversial play has toured the U.S. for over two and one-half years opens at the Abrons Arts Center at the Henry Street Settlement on Thursday, September 27, 2007 for three weeks.