Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

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Parsi New Year 2012 Registration


iOS and Android App Launch

In a first for a Zarathushti event anywhere in the world, ZAGNY and the hosts of the XVI NAZC 2012 are happy to announce the launch of their App. This app is free and is available for immediate download for both Apple iOS and Google Android platforms.

To download for

Apple iOS: Download

Android: Download


Navroze Mubarak 2012

The Board of ZAGNY on behalf of the entire community in the Tri-State area wishes everyone a very happy Jamshedi Navroze.

May the new year bring peace, prosperity, happiness and good health to our families, friends, neighborhoods, cities and nations.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Navroze & Zarathushtra Celebrations hosted jointly with IZA on March 31, 2012.

Registration is open at this link: https://zagny.org/1696607262773/navroze-2012-function-registration/


The above picture is the Haft Seen table set up by Mehernaaz Shovir Irani (sister of ZAGNY member Arzan Sam Wadia) at her residence in Gamdevi, Mumbai; India. The color this year was gray and the animal was a Whale.

Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp 2011 Announced

Welcome to the Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp 2011. This year we will have a combined camp for 6-16 year olds at the Darbe-Mehr from June 3rd to June 5th, ending on Sunday for the prayer classes. As usual we will have fun, entertainments, outdoor activities as well as some religious discussions. This year we plan to visit the Waterpark at Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ.

We also plan on forwarding an invitation to Boston as well as the Philly/Pennsylvania Z groups to join us.

Chaperons and transportation will be required, so please sign up and offer your support. We will need one car for every 4 children to go to the water park.

Please download the registration form here

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