Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Good Life Awards 2013

Viraf Ghadially, ZAGNY Coordinator for the Good Life Award writes:

At the recent ZAGNY 40th Anniversary and Parsi New Year Function, four students were awarded the Good Life emblem award. The Good Life award is earned by youth after completing several community projects, completing a work book on Zoroastrian topics and writing an essay. The Good Life program emphasizes Community service as our religion teaches that the best way to serve Ahura-Mazda is by “HUVARSHTA” – Good Deeds.

The award was presented to Sam Merchant, Farah Randelia, Friya Randelia, and Tanaz Karai by Lovji Cama the dean of Religious studies and Viraf Ghadially the coordinator for Good Life program. The award was also presented subsequently to Darius Bamji who was in India during the function. All students completed several community projects both in ZAGNY and outside the community.

Students are encouraged to earn this award after completing the religious classes conducted by ZAGNY as it gives them a greater sense of awareness of our religion and a sense of enrichment for performing community services that they can continue through their lives.

The essays written by the awardees can be read here: https://zagny.org/1696607262773/category/good-life-essays/

Bio date for Good Life Award 2013 recipients.


Sam Merchant is presently a senior at Hunterdon Central Regional High School, Flemington NJ. Since the year 2006, he has trained in Martial Arts at American Isshinryu Karate. In June 2013, he was awarded a Black Belt and is and Instructor for Karate at Westling’s Martial Arts Academy. As his summer project this year, he built a 3-D Printer from scratch. For the past 3 years he has been a beta tester for Andriod phone operating systems, and provides user commentary on a web-page, as well as participating in on-line forums.

In July and August 2012, Sam was a ZAGNY volunteer at the NAZC (North American Zarthushti Congress). He was a youth panelist in the discussion on Core Beliefs, participated in the dance program, and helped to install the Exhibit Room.

In August 2013, Sam was awarded the “Good Life Program” award, (Equivalent of Eagle Scout Badge) through a joint program with ZAGNY (Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York) and Boys Scouts of America. As his summer community project, he partnered with Darius Bamji and organized a donation drive to collect over 45 used cell phones, which were donated to Safe in Hunterdon, a shelter for victims of domestic abuse. Since Feb 2013, Sam also volunteers at the Hunterdon County Library.

He plans to attend a university next year, and earn a Baccalaureate degree in Computer Science with a focus on Internet Security and Networking.


Hello, my name is Friya Randelia. I am a Parsi living in Parsippany, New Jersey. I am a junior in the Finance and International Business Academy at Morris County School of Technology. I participated in the 2012 North American Zoroastrian Congress as part of the evening banquet entertainment. Teaching Shah Nameh stories at ZAGNY for three years now has become a passion of mine, and I plan to continue throughout my senior year of high school. One of my greatest achievements has been starting and leading a People to People food drive at ZAGNY. I am a Peer Leader for my Finance and International Business Academy. Furthermore, I am a member of Kiwanis Key Club, Jazz Band, and Skills USA. I have played soccer and basketball for my school. I have played the clarinet in the school band and Jazz Band and violin in the Lakeland Youth Symphony. Additionally, I volunteer at Saint Clare’s Hospital and have joined the pioneer Junior Auxiliary group. Community service, involvement, and leadership play a significant role in my life and help me become a better person every day.



Tanaz Karai, a senior at Edison High School, Edison, New Jersey, is singularly focused on trying to become a teacher for the deaf and hard-of-hearing children.  The summer of 2013 saw Tanaz prep for her SATs, complete level one of American Sign Language (ASL) from Gallaudet University in Washington DC, and work as a camp counselor at Camp Jotoni, a camp for physically handicapped children.  During the school year, she works part-time at the Edison Public Library, volunteers at the local Rotary Club soup kitchen at the local Rotary Club, helps children with cerebral palsy at the Lakeview School and serves as a teacher’s assistant at the monthly religious classes held at ZAGNY. Some of Tanaz’s other interests include reading, baking and music.



Hello! I am Farah Randelia, a Parsi from Parsippany, New Jersey. I am a junior in high school in the Health Care Science Academy at the Morris County School of Technology. I belong to the Kiwanis Club, Jazz Band, and HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) clubs at my school. I have played for both the soccer and basketball teams at my school. Apart from school, I have been playing first violin in the Lakeland Youth Symphony for the last eight years. I try to give back to my community by volunteering at St. Clare’s Hospital in Denville. In addition to that, I am starting my third year at ZAGNY’s Darbe Mehr in Pomona, New York as an assistant teacher with Shiraz Antia. In the second class, we teach the children about the different religious ceremonies and other aspects of Zarathusthi life. This last summer I received the Good Life Award at the Pateti function. For the future, I see myself pursuing a career in the medical field.



Darius Bamji – . I am 17, and a senior in High School, this year. I will graduate in September 2014, and am considering  Business Management/ Computer Science for my undergraduate degree. I enjoy keeping up to date with technology/gadgetry, and have played soccer for my town travel team. I have undertaken volunteering at Centra state Hospital in NJ, helped out with the local chapter of my Home work Helpers Club, and  helped out internationally at the Happy Home and School for the Blind In Mumbai India, with  a  special software for the visually impaired called JAWS..


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