Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Groundbreaking and Navroze Function 2014

ZAGNY invites you to celebrate two momentous events on March 29th, 2014.

The first is the Ceremonial Groundbreaking of our new Darbe Mehr. This event starts at 3;45 p.m. at the Darbe Mehr. This event is free for everyone, but RSVP is necessary Later in the evening we will have our Navroze celebrations and dinner. This is a joint event with the Iranian Zoroastrian Association.


Ceremonial Groundbreaking for New Darbe Mehr

ZAGNY and IZA invite you to join the ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony for the new Darbe Mehr. Date: Saturday March 29, 2014 Time: 3:45 p.m. to 5;45 p.m. Venue: Arbab Rustom Guiv Darbe Mehr, 106 Pomona Road, Suffern NY 10901

2014 Navroze Celebration and Dinner

ZAGNY and IZA present the Fourth Joint Navroze Celebrations. This follows the Ceremonial Groundbreaking Ceremony. Date: Saturday March 29, 2014 Time: 6:30 p.m. onwards Venue: Greek Orthodox Church, 353 E. Clinton Avenue, Tenafly NJ 07670 Registration Adult Members $40 per person Senior Citizens $30 per person Children $25 per child Non-Members $50 per person Program for the Evening 6:30pm: Registration 7:00pm: Cocktails (Cash Bar) and Appetizers 8:00pm: Auction and New Darbe Mehr Building Presentation 9:00pm: Dinner and Dessert 10:00pm onwards Dancing


To RSVP for Groundbreaking ONLY please click here: Groundbreaking ONLY.


or Register for the Navroze Function

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