Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Homi Gandhi Elected Vice-President of FEZANA

NAZC2012_Day_03_278 We are very happy to announce that our own Homi D. Gandhi has been elected as the next Vice-President of FEZANA, the Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America.

Homi has been a long standing member of ZAGNY and has served it in various capacities from being a Board Member numerous times, to heading ZAGNY as its President a few years ago.

Homi has also been involved with FEZANA for many years heading various committees at FEZANA and representing them at the United Nations and other forum.

Most recently Homi headed the Public Relations and Publication Committee of the XVI North American Zarathushti Congress 2012 hosted by ZAGNY.

In reply to a congratulatory email from the Board; Homi responds

Our community needs support and contribution from all individuals to further strengthen the Zarathushti presence in North America so definitively, that when our grandchildren  say that they are Zarathushti, they can say so with pride, and without encountering puzzlement from their fellow North Americans, as to what a Zarathushti is.

We wish Homi the best in his new role and look forward to great things and a more vigorous interaction at all levels.

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