Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp 2011 Announced

Welcome to the Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp 2011. This year we will have a combined camp for 6-16 year olds at the Darbe-Mehr from June 3rd to June 5th, ending on Sunday for the prayer classes. As usual we will have fun, entertainments, outdoor activities as well as some religious discussions. This year we plan to visit the Waterpark at Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ.

We also plan on forwarding an invitation to Boston as well as the Philly/Pennsylvania Z groups to join us.

Chaperons and transportation will be required, so please sign up and offer your support. We will need one car for every 4 children to go to the water park.

Please download the registration form here

Looking forward to seeing you all in June,

For all matters concerning the camp please contact ZAGNY Board Member and Camp Co-ordinator Shiroy Ranji  (917) 903-3139 shranji@gmail.com


Below is a report of the last camp held in 2009 with a few photographs of previously held camps.


The Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp 2009 or ZCamp as it is affectionately called was off to a rip rollicking start on the week end of June 26th. There were 18 campers from 6 to 16 years who enjoyed a yummy dinner prepared by all the parents. The next day after an early breakfast, we were off to Bear Mountain for our annual hike. We are proud to say that this was the first year when all the campers climbed all the way to the summit. It was a hard climb but a great pleasure to see the older ones helping and encouraging the younger ones along the way. Great team work.

A reward of a hot pizza lunch was appreciated by all. After chillin in the late afternoon, we gathered for an informal discussion on our religion, what is means to each of us and how we can apply it in our daily lives. The relevance of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds brought out some interesting insights with each camper willing to do one good deed the next day and also at home.

After dinner, we had a roaring bonfire with smores being consumed at a rapid pace. The next morning we started with some old fashion fun – tug of war, relay races, soccer and even some cricket. The camp was adjourned at lunch time with many friendships being strengthened and a close feeling of comradeship between the entire camp.

Our thanks to the parents for the Friday night dinner and to the chaperones; Shiroy Ranji, Dinaz & Minoo Bengali, Imroze & Percy Kavarana and Friaan Hakim.

Keen interest has been received from ZAPANJ, ZAGBA (Boston) and ZCDMW (Washington DC). Hopefully next year we can have a combined camp with some of our other associations.





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