Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Muktad 2016 Names Sign Up

This year the hosts for the Muktad Ceremony are as follows:

Friday August 12th: 6:00 PM

Jasmine and Maneck Kotwal, (609) 275-5952

12 Park Hill Terrace, Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550

Friday August 12th: 7:00 PM

Dinaz and Farhad Subjally, (973) 635-6984

10 Crestwood Drive, Chatham, New Jersey 07928

Saturday August 13th: 11:00 AM

Arbab Rustam Guiv Dar-E-Mehr, 106 Pomona Rd, Suffern, NY 10901

Sunday August 14th: 11:00 AM

Arbab Rustam Guiv Dar-E-Mehr, 106 Pomona Rd, Suffern, NY 10901

Monday August 15th: 7:00 PM

Navaz LoPinto, (917) 757 7942

25 W Orchard Street, Allendale, NJ 07401

Tuesday August 16th TBD

Email secretary@zagny.org if you would like to host on Tuesday August 16, 2016

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