Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Muktad Prayer Schedule 2014

Community members are invited to participate in the Muktad Prayers for all five Gatha days from August 13th through August 17th, 2014.


In order to accommodate workday schedules, ZAGNY is offering the community prayer services in several locations around the tri-state area with the generous help from some of our members.

As a courtesy to the host families, those of you who are interested in attending the prayers, please call and inform them that you will attend.

If you would like the names of your dear departed to be included at any of the below prayer recitals, please download and complete this form and mail it to Meherzeen Daruwala to reach by Friday, August 8, 2014.

This year, due to the start of construction the Darbe Mehr will not be available. Yasmin and Jamshed Ghadiali have graciously made their home available for the Community Muktad prayers on Sunday August 17th.  Please fill out the form, if you will be attending.

Host Family details are below:

Wednesday, 13th August: Ahunavad Gatha 6:00 PM

Hosts: Jasmin and Maneck Kotwal

12 Park Hill Terrace

Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550

(609) 275-5952

Thursday, 14th August    Ushtavad Gatha    7:00 PM

Hosts: Gool and Ramesh Thakarar

2 Fenbrook Drive

Larchmont, New York 10538

(914) 833-1116

Friday, 15th August    Spentomad Gatha    7:00 PM

Hosts: Jasely and Kerman Dukandar

96 Bernard Avenue

Edison, New Jersey 08837

(732) 494-7976

Saturday, 16th August    Vohukxarthra Gatha    6:00 PM

Hosts: Dinaz and Farhad Subjally

10 Crestwood Drive

Chatham, New Jersey 07928

(973) 635-6984


Saturday, 16th August    Vohukxarthra Gatha    6:00 PM

Hosts: Teshtar and Noshir Irani

150-60 Jewel Ave,  Apt 76B

Flushing, New York 11367

(718) 575-9888

Sunday, 17th August    Vahistoist Gatha    11:30 AM

Hosts: Yasmin and Jamshed Ghadiali

2686 Belcher Street

Baldwin, New York 11510

(516) 378-4516

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