Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Muktad Prayers 2022

ZAGNY will organize and conduct Shehenshahi Muktad Prayers on the 5 Gatha days from August 11-15, 2022

Community members are invited to participate in the Muktad Prayers for all five Gatha days from August 11 through August 15, 2022. In order to accommodate workday schedules, ZAGNY is offering the community prayer services in several locations around the tri-state area with the generous help from some of our members. As a courtesy to the host families, please call to inform them that you will attend.

If you are interested in hosting Muktad prayers at your home on Aug 11, 12, 13 or August 15, please contact Kayomarz Khambatta at (201) 755 2208.

Our sincere thanks to the host families who have graciously volunteered their homes and to the Mobeds who have kindly agreed to perform the prayers.

Community prayers to honor our dearly departed will be held on Sunday, August 14, 2022, 11:00am, at the Dar-E-Mehr.

Mobeds will recite the submitted names at the Prayers. Please complete the attached form and mail to Meherzeen Daruwala, to reach us by August 1.

Lunch will be served after the prayers. Please make sure to RSVP for lunch by Aug 1. You can sign up on the form below.


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