Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Professor Kaikhosrov and Piroja Irani: A life unsurpassed

Professor Kaikhosrov and Piroja Irani – A life unsurpassed and a legacy to ZAGNY to “educate, promote and advance the religion of Zarathushtra.”

Professor Emeritus Dr. Kaikhosrov D. Irani’s intellect, wisdom, vision and extraordinary ability to share his knowledge of the Zarathushti religion remains forever unforgettable and incomparable.  He was a world-renowned philosopher, a mentor to many, a teacher, a writer, a thinker and above all a true Zarathushti. His life was an example of what he taught. His wife Piroja Irani’s intelligence, charm, gentleness and sharp acumen were always at his side.  They were a formidable couple. ZAGNY is blessed to have benefitted from Professor’s many lectures, talks, and adult classes. Now, ZAGNY will cherish their generosity and keep their vision of our religion alive and vibrant.

Article by Behroze Astad Clubwala

ZAGNY celebrates the legacy of Kaikhosrov and Piroja Irani:

On 23 February 2019, ZAGNY, hosted an event to announce the distribution of their assets.  Meticulously, Framroze K. Patel, as Trustee and his dear friend, made the announcement of the distribution of an estimated $2.6 million:

50% to the Zarathushtrian Assembly based in Anaheim, California;

20% to ZAGNY;

20% to the World Zoroastrian Organization (WZO), US Region Ltd. in Burr Ridge, Illinois, and;

10% to the Federation of Zoroastrian Association of North America (FEZANA).

In addition, special donations of $25,000 each were allocated to the Surat Parsi Seth Rustomji M. Kooka Boys Orphanage in Surat and the Bai Avabai F. Petit Girls Orphanage in Mumbai.  He also left generous amounts of money to his and Piroja’s health aides.

KD, as he was fondly known, was an intellectual and a mentor to many.  Addressed by the majority as Professor, he was known throughout the world for his ability to teach and share the knowledge of our religion.  In spite of being a fountain of wisdom on our religion, he was so humble, that it was rare to have met a human being with his knowledge and humility.  Every time he spoke, everyone listened and learned. He could speak about the message of the Gathas endlessly. He was a man of stature, vision and unique in his ability to share the knowledge of our religion with clarity and conviction.   

KD came to the United States in 1947.  He taught Philosophy of Science at The City University of New York (CUNY).  His first job at CUNY as Adjunct Lecturer was at a higher than normal rate, $4.75 an hour instead of $4.25, because he had a hand-written recommendation from Albert Einstein, who he knew at Princeton University.  He taught for 41 years and retired at the age of 90. KD was influenced by his father Dinshaw J. Irani in whose footsteps he had followed to pursue his legal profession. But his father’s knowledge of the Zarathushti religion was the defining force in his life.  Professor went on to study our religion and became one of our foremost spokespersons. He will live in our history books forever.

In 1988, Professor republished the translation of the Gathas, the Hymns of Zarathushtra, as written by his father Dinshaw J. Irani which carried an introduction by Rabindranath Tagore.  In the words of Tagore, “Zarathushtra was the one who showed the path of freedom to men, the freedom of moral choice, and the freedom from blind obedience….” KD taught us to appreciate and understand that aspect of our religion.

Framroze K. Patel, emotional but eloquent and poised, dignified and faithful, recognized his best friend and mentor Kaikhosrov “as an academician, an educator of distinction and an esteemed, venerated and much-cherished scholar of the Zarathushti religion, who lived by the principles, tenets, and teaching of the Prophet.”  He said that “Professor was a universal human-being. He had no use for so-called doctrinal or theological restrictions as to who can and cannot follow the timeless message of the good religion. Kaikhosrov had the qualities of tolerance, both religious and personal. He was so reluctant to judge people.” As a Trustee of their estate since 2007, Framroze delivered that responsibility and recommended that the beneficiary organizations keep in an endowment account the bequests and use only the interest to perpetuate Kaikhosrov and Piroja’s legacy to “educate, particularly towards the promotion and advancement of the religion of Zarathushtra.”  He added, “It is my duty to remind you that Piroja and Kaikhosrov believed that the message of the Prophet is universal and a Zarathushti is one who declares herself or himself to be a follower of Zarathushtra.” The entire Zarathushti community is indebted to Framroze for undertaking this mission with diligence, discretion, style, panache and dignity. Framroze also acknowledged KD’s special friends, the late Eruch Munshi, Dinshaw Joshi and Khorshed Jungalwalla, as well as Lovji Cama and Ness Lakdawala.

A first – Boi Ceremony and Atash Nyash by ZAGNY’s three youngest ervads:

KD and Piroja were smiling down at us on 23 February.  The event at our Dar-e-Mehr began with a historic event – a Boi ceremony and an Atash Nyaish prayed by our three youngest Ervads at ZAGNY.  Porus Pavri, Cyrus Dadina, both 14 years old and Zal Mody 12 years old, prayed loudly, without any lead senior Mobed. Our hearts swelled with pride and joy.  A true tribute to KD and Piroja who encouraged our young to learn the religion and share its true meaning with the world.

Ervad Porus Pavri (14 years) had his navar ceremony on December 18, 2016 at Bai Motibai Wadia Adaran, Jogeshwari, Mumbai.  His ceremony was conducted by Ervad Kekobad D. Panthaki, Ervad Eric J. Dastur and Ervad Khushroo D. Kanga. We congratulate his parents Ervad Cyrus and Yasmin, and his sister Farah.

Ervad Cyrus Dadina (14 years) had his navar ceremony done on December 24, 2017 at the Vatcha Gandhi Agiyary, Mumbai.  The ceremony was conducted by Ervad Aspandar Dadachanjee and Ervad Adil Bhesania. We congratulate his parents Ervad Rohinton and Navaz Katki, and his sister Shirin.

Ervad Zal Mody (12 years) had his navar ceremony done on December 20. 2018 at the Cama Baug Agiyary, Mumbai.  The ceremony was conducted by Ervad Keki Ravji and his sons Ervad Hormazd Ravji and Ervad Faraz Ravji. We congratulate his parents Darius and Tina  Mody, and his brother Jehan. Grandparents Lovji and Rupy Hakim and Ervad Keki and Diane Mody, both ZAGNY members who were present at the event.

Welcome to the Beneficiaries:

Astad J. Clubwala, President of ZAGNY, welcomed first Framroze K. Patel as Trustee of their estate and his wife Armaity.  He also welcomed the beneficiaries, Darius Irani and Sima Shidfar from the Zarathushtrian Assembly and Homi Gandhi, President of FEZANA. Kayomarsh Mehta from WZO, US Region, regrettably could not be present.  Introduced also were Alicia Klat Ragusa, lawyer and counsellor to KD and Piroja for over 20 years, as well as their investment advisers Laura Abadsantos and Henry Saint Surin. Astad added that his personal take away from the Professor was the “simplicity of his thought.  He could share the message of Zarathustra with any audience – from children to adults, in world audiences, with academicians and students. Professor, he said “has taught us to do the right thing for the right reasons and inspired us all to live with justice and compassion.”

Memorabilia from Kaikhosrov and Piroja’s home:

Displayed were memorabilia from KD and Piroja’s home, an antique trunk with a list of items it had carried, a rare red fetah, made in England by Battersby Hats for Chinoy Brothers in Mumbai (the iconic fetah makers of Mumbai), his tuxedo jacket and waistcoat, a special photograph of KD when he was barely 2-3 years old being taught prayers by his father Dinshaw J. Irani, together with silverware from their home, with one exquisite ornate piece engraved “To Mr. Dinsha Irani From Sir Cowasji Jheangir, 27th March 1936.” (Quoted from the engraving.)


An insight into Professor and Piroja’s lives:

A short film on the life of Professor Irani, developed by our ZAGNY’s Ferzin Patel and  and her school aged son Davin Patel, drawn mainly from an interview he had given in recent years left the entire audience feeling inspired by their lives.

Keynote Address:

The keynote speaker, was ZAGNY’s own Keki Dadachandji, who spoke on “The religion of Zarathustra: From Vision to Practice.”  Keki recalled that on March 5 2017, Kaikhosrov spoke at ZAGNY about Zarathushtra’s Vision and Zoroastrianism Today. Keki said “The presentation was the clearest, most concise and lucid that he had ever heard.  Therefore, it was a fitting tribute to summarize that vision today and explore how it can guide our daily living.”

Highlights of his message were:

  • Ahura Mazda conceived of an ideal creation.  The totality of that vision is called Asha, generally rendered in English as truth and righteousness.  Asha postulates an ideal form of existence where there is perfect harmony. However, in the material world in which we live this harmony may be disrupted.
  • The first Gatha Ahunavaiti, Yasna 29 Verse 1, opens with Mother Earth seeking help. “For whom did thou create me and who so fashioned me.  None have I to protect me save Thee.” In today’s world, we see destruction of natural resources. The gap between the rich and poor is increasing.  This is not the harmonious universe Ahura Mazda had imagined. Zarathustra is chosen, in the remainder of Yasna 29, as the savior.
  • To enable us to move towards this ideal vision Ahura Mazda has given all of us Vohu Manah, the good mind.  It is not the mind in the ordinary sense of the term, it is not intellect, it is a natural intuition that enables us to grasp what is right and wrong.  Once the wrong is recognized, we are expected to correct it. This is what is called the practice of “good thoughts, good words and good deeds.”
  • Acceptance of this vision and this way of life is an individual, not a collective decision.  Each of us makes this choice and lives with the consequences of that choice.
  • If we all possess Vohu Manah, why are we unable to distinguish between right and wrong?  Zarathustra asked this of his father who was a priest. He said, “because my son, our inner intuition is clouded by tendencies such as greed, fear, anger and hatred.  If we purged our minds of all these selfish tendencies, Vohu Manah will unfailingly tell us what is right.”  This in summary is Zarathustra’s vision.
  • How can we get from vision to practice?  Just as physical laws govern the universe, natural laws govern the spiritual world.  Physical laws, e.g. Gravity, exist whether we believe in it or not. If we jump, we fall.  Spiritual laws exist but the results are not as easy to perceive.
  • The first expression of the Natural Law is “Unity of Life”, the claim that all life is one.  The essential quality to cultivate is compassion. Being kind and compassionate is the sum and substance of living in harmony with the Unity of Life.
  • The second expression of the Natural Laws is the Law of Karma.  Karma is closely related to what happens after life.  This says that at the end of our life there is an evaluation not just of our deeds, but also of our thoughts and intentions.
  • The practical application of the Law of Karma can be summed up in a three part formula: First, choose the right goal; Second, choose the right means; and Third, if the results of your efforts turn out differently, accept the limits of your control and offer up the outcome to Ahura Mazda.  This way it is possible to be at peace with yourself and move forward. So, this links to the Zarathushti concepts of good thoughts and good deeds.
  • Good words:  a starting point to cultivating right speech is to learn when to be silent and to listen with complete attention and respect to others, especially when what we are told is not what we want to hear.
  • When we speak, the word of the mouth should go through three gates:
    • Is it true?
    • Is it kind?
    • Is it necessary?

In rare cases when there is genuine conflict between truth and kindness, kindness should take precedence.

Keki concluded saying: “Our journey on our spiritual paths begins when we come across great teachers – and Professor Kaikhosrov Irani was one of mine. “

Presentations to the Beneficiaries:

A formal presentation was made by Framroze to Darius Irani for the Zarathustrian Assembly, Homi Gandhi for FEZANA and Astad Clubwala for ZAGNY.  Darius Irani expressed profound gratitude for KD’s largesse. He recalled discussions with KD from 1983 until1990 when the Zarathushtrian Assembly was established.  He pledged the Assembly’s continuing efforts towards “making the religion available to the entire world.” He committed the Assembly to continue the Professor’s vision and to deliver the message of Zarathushtra that began 3,757 years ago.  

Homi Gandhi recalled that KD was present at the time of the creation of FEZANA and committed to focus on education about the religion.  FEZANA has appointed an Ad-hoc Committee of Scholars to review proposals for the use of their bequest. FIRES, that works under the auspices of FEZANA, will “preserve, protect and perpetuate Kaikhosrov and Piroja’s legacy by preserving all the writing and texts that Professor Irani had left behind for FEZANA.  

Astad Clubwala stated that ZAGNY would establish an endowment fund and the proceeds would be used to spread the knowledge of the religion.  An annual KD lecture series will be held inviting worldwide prominent speakers. In addition scholarships will be established to fund Zoroastrian studies.  A group of Zoroastrian scholars will also be established to visit Universities to further spread the knowledge of our religion.

Zarine Weil, niece of Professor Irani could not be present but sent a letter that was read to the gathering by Armaity Patel thanking Framroze for his dedicated role as a Trustee.

May the esteemed souls of Kaikhosrov and Piroja sing for eternity.  His father’s hope for him was that “he would be a good servant of his people” and KD fulfilled his hope – and even more.


The event concluded with the presentation of a token of appreciation to Keki Dadachandji, a frame to Framroze Patel, engraved “ With Gratitude from ZAGNY” with a photograph of KD and Framroze from the Inauguration Day and a bouquet of roses for Armaity.  The room full of ZAGNY members and guests were counting their blessings to have benefitted from KD and Piroja’s generosity and to have known Kaikhosrov and Piroja.

Hama Zor, Hama Ahsoh baad….. May we be united in strength and in righteousness as we perpetuate the legacy of Kaikhosrov and Piroja Irani.

Behroze Astad Clubwala, New Jersey, 28 February 2019.


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