Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

Seminar: “Zarathushtra’s Vision and Zoroastrianism Today”

Seminar: “Zarathushtra’s Vision and Zoroastrianism Today”

ZAGNY is proud to present the first seminar at our new Dar-e-Mehr, on Saturday Nov 19th starting at 10:30 AM. Lunch will be provided by ZAGNY

The List of speakers include:

Prof. Stanley Insler

Emeritus Professor at Yale University. Prof. Insler is an expert in Vedic and Gathic languages and an authority on the Gathas of Zarathushtra, having given us one of the most brilliant translations into English. Prof. Insler gave the first academic lecture at the inauguration of our first Dar-e-Mehr in New Rochelle and it is particularly fitting that he is a speaker again at the first seminar at our New Dar-eMehr.

Dr. Kersey Antia

He is the Zoroastrian High Priest of Chicago, Illinois, a position he has held since 1977. He attended the M.F. Cama Athornan Institute in Bombay and became an ordained priest at the age of 13. He studied Avesta and Pahlavi at the University of Bombay. While in college, he received essay-awards from the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, and has served the community as a volunteer priest.
He has lectured and written on the subject of Zoroastrianism, in India and the United States, both live and on radio and on television, and has made video courses on Zoroastrianism. He has studied the Gathas on his own for many years. Utilizing, at first, the translations of Kanga, Mills, and Taraporewala, he now relies primarily on Dr. Insler’s translation.

Prof. Kaikhosrov Irani

He is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York, after teaching there for 41 years. He was Chairman of the Department for nine years; and the Director, and Executive Director of the Program for the History and Philosophy of Science and was responsible for the development of the Program and its execution and teaching. He was also the Director of the Academy of Humanities and Sciences for 12 Years.

Prof. Irani really needs no introduction to the Zoroastrian World. He has given lectures throughout North America, Europe, India and Pakistan. His knowledge of Zoroastrianism, especially the Gathas, his wit and sense of humor, and his ability to fit the subject of Zoroastrianism in the broader field of Philosophy makes him an engaging speaker and a great teacher.

Dr. Lovji Cama

Lovji is past president of ZAGNY and Dar-e-Mehr Trustee, has organized the religious education classes for children aged 4 to 15 years at ZAGNY, since 1973. He has taught Zoroastrian history, culture, philosophy and religion to children of ages 10 to 15. One of his primary areas of interest is youth related activities.

He has lectured and written on subjects on Zoroastrianism in New York, London and India and contributed to the text book used for the Good Life program, for U.S. Scouting, which is administered by ZAGNY.

Additional speakers and speaker topics will be announced soon.

To know more about the event and to RSVP please email Lovji Cama at ldcama@gmail.com

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