Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

The New Darbe Mehr

Dear friends, as we approach the end of the year, donation plans become a priority both for personal and tax reasons.

We would like to request you to consider our "New NY Darbe Mehr" as a potential recipient, and even more so if your Company has a Matching Donation Plan.
We had set $3,000,000 as a target for December 31, 2012 and we’re playing catch-up. Your donation, large or small, is greatly appreciated and will make it possible for us to reach this target by the end of the year.
Also note that 2013 tax benefits may or may not be as donor friendly as in 2012, so please donate now.
Please make your donation checks payable to ‘DMZT – Special New Building Fund’ and mail to

Minu Dutia, DMZT Treasurer, 5 Amethyst Court, West Nyack, New York 10994.

For your convenience, a donation form will also be included in the next ZAGNY newsletter.

Thank You Very Much
New Darbe Mehr Fund Raising Team

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