Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York

ZAGNY AGM 2012: The Secretary’s Report


Good afternoon everyone.

I am happy to present the Secretary’s report for the first year of the 2011-2014 term of the ZAGNY Board. On behalf of the Board, I extend a warm welcome to the families who became ZAGNY members in 2011. Congratulations to the newlyweds and navjote kids, and condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.

The new Board took office in March 2011, under the able leadership of President Gev Nentin and has since worked tirelessly to organize numerous events and activities. The responsibility of the Secretary and Joint Secretary, amongst other things, is to timely communicate information pertaining to the tri-state and the North American Zoroastrian community, to our members. We achieve this objective through our newsletters and I would like to take a moment to acknowledge our outstanding newsletter team members, Nina Mistry, for her help and dedication in creating and compiling the newsletters you have enjoyed reading this past year; and Arzan Sam Wadia, who is responsible for posting each newsletter on our website and sending the numerous e-blast communications to the community. I would also like to recognize the dedicated support of Kaika Clubwala in printing and mailing the hard copies of our newsletters.

I am pleased to share with you that we have been successful in reducing costs of the printing and mailing of our newsletters this year, thanks in part to the generosity of the sponsors of our first issue in April 2011, Nelly and Cawas Cama; (in honor of Cawas’s mother Daulat’s 100th birthday) and our second issue in June 2011, the NDMI members. Thanks also to our advertisers, Fali Shroff, and Mahruk and Lokesh Sharma for their advertisement contributions throughout the year.

We were also able to save dollars by updating our database, a tedious and time-consuming task, which to our surprise reduced the number of newsletters printed and mailed from approximately 350 to 250. Needless to say, we shall continue to benefit from this reduction in the number of copies printed and mailed for all future newsletters. Thanks to Khursheed Navder for keeping this database up to date.

I would like to thank my co-board members for their time and dedication towards the community. Last but not the least, on behalf of the board I would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Darbe Mehr Trustees, to all the Religion class teachers, all our priests who perform the prayers throughout the year, and to the many volunteers who help out at the class luncheons for their support and service to the community.

Following is a quick recap of the major events that took place during the past 12 months:

MARCH 2011


Navroze 2011 was celebrated on Saturday, March 26th at the Darbe Mehr. Ervad Pervez Patel and Karl Khambatta blessed the congregation. A record 273 guests attended the event. Program for the evening included the ZAGNY Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board elections. At the AGM, President Gev Nentin asked the congregation to approve the creation of additional Members-at-Large positions to support the preparations for the XVI NAZC 2012. The members present raised no objections.

A brief address by Astad Clubwala about the new Darbe Mehr Initiative took members on a walk down memory lane to the establishment of the first Darbe Mehr in New Rochelle and the journey to our current location in Pomona. All members were encouraged to attend and participate in the May 1st, 2011 DMZT AGM when building plans would be presented to the community. Highlights of the evening were the gara raffle drawing and the first-ever online auction, fundraisers for the VXI NAZC 2012 that raised $8,000 and $7,800 respectively. Lucky winners were delighted to take home the mini haft-sheen table centerpieces.


United in the fight against cancer, our ZAGNY Team No.1069 participated for the 10th consecutive year in the 5Km Annual Revlon Run/Walk for Women’s Cancers on Saturday April 30th, 2011. Our team of 17 walkers collected $10,281 for this worthy cause. As ZAGNY team captain, I look forward to seeing many of you on Saturday May 5th, 2012, in Times Square, NYC for the 15th Annual Revlon Run/Walk for Women’s Cancers.


Dr. Ali Jaffery visited the Darbe Mehr and presented the gathering with a lecture on Zarathusthti Existence in the Contemporary World – the theme of our upcoming XVI NAZC 2012.


The Ivy Gandhi Youth Camp scheduled for June 3 – 5, 2011 was cancelled due to lack of participation from our youth ages 6-16.


Yasmin & Jamshed Ghadiali hosted the Parsi General Hospital 25th Anniversary Fundraiser at their home on Saturday June 25th, 2011.


Sunday July 10th, 2011, 75+ enthusiastic and fun loving members attended the annual ZAGNY picnic at the Mercer County Park in Windsor, NJ.


Over 125 members attended Muktad prayers at our Darbe Mehr on Sunday, August 14th, 2011 for the first gatha–Ahunavad. Thanks to our priests, Darius Antia, Xerxes Antia, Rohinton Dadina, Karl Khambatta, Rohinton Madon and Pervez Patel for offering the special prayers and reciting all the names submitted by our members. We would also like to thank all our host families, for graciously volunteering their homes to offer the prayer services during the second to fifth gatha days.


Parsi New Year 2011 (Y.Z.1381) was celebrated on Saturday, August 20th, 2011 at the Darbe Mehr. Approximately 170 guests attended the event.

President, Gev Nentin, welcomed Dr. Jamshed Bharucha to our ZAGNY community and to New York, congratulating him on his appointment as the 12th President of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.

The gathering took a walk down memory lane during the presentation for the New Darbe Mehr Building. Members shared a few nostalgic moments as they watched the video prepared by Ferzin Patel, capturing our community’s journey, growth and vision.

A belly dance performance entertained the audience for the evening.


ZAGNY participated at the India Day Parade in New York City on Sunday, August 21st, 2011. We had an enthusiastic representation of about 20 members from the youngest 14 month old to several 70+ year-old participants.


After going through a lengthy bidding process, FEZANA’s Congress Committee selected ZAGNY in partnership with IZA to host the XVI North American Zarathushti Congress in NY. This one of a kind event will take place from August 2-5, 2012 at the Hilton Rye town in Rye, NY. Thanks to the individuals on various committees who are working tirelessly to make this congress a huge success.


Erach Munshi and Lovji & Mehru Cama hosted the Udvada Atash Behram Fund Raiser luncheon on October 16th, 2011 at the Darbe Mehr.


ZAGNY organized its first ever “Dandiya Raas” event at our Darbe Mehr on Saturday October, 22nd, 2011. This was the first of the two fall fundraisers by the Social Committee for the XVI NAZC 2012. A modest $900 was raised towards the XVI NAZC 2012.


The much-awaited Halloween Parade was held on November 6th, 2011 at Darbe Mehr. Our ZAGNY tots-n-teens participated in the annual Halloween parade by dressing up as their favorite characters. The youngest was 18 months old and the oldest was 10 years old. There was a plethora of costumes as the children paraded on to the stage. Thanks to everyone for participating and encouraging our wonderful children.


A fantastically successful event organized on Saturday November 12th, 2011 by the Social Committee for the XVI NAZC 2012 second fall fundraiser. This gara-dagli gala event raised $3,600 towards the XVI NZAC 2012.


120+ people brought in 2012 on a high note at the Darbe Mehr. Good food, music and lots of mingling set the tone for the evening. ZAGNY President, Gev Nentin, wished everyone a fun and festive evening, and invited Edul Daver to update the community on the fund raising efforts for the New Darbe Mehr. We have received total pledges of $2.25 million – a great way to finish 2011 and establish the momentum for 2012!

A valiant effort by the youngsters to sell raffle tickets, collected $455 for the XVI NAZC, 2012. At 11.30 p.m., party hats, tiaras and noisemakers added to the excitement leading up to the champagne toast. As the lights were dimmed, everyone counted down the ball drop at Times Square live, thanks to the projection screen set-up by Shailendra Dusaj. After wishing each other a Happy New Year, our party enthusiasts hit the dance floor for another half hour of dancing before the night came to an end. With this, a very busy 2011 that was filled with many social events became another memorable year.

On behalf of the ZAGNY Board I would like to recognize and congratulate the following members who earned awards during the year March 2011 to March 2012:


FARAH PAVRI – BLACK BELT – youngest to earn her 1st Degree Black belt from the Edgewater Kung Fu Academy

Nosh Nalavala – The UNCA award for the best media coverage of the United Nations.

Before I end, I would like to mention that my husband Vispi and I have served ZAGNY in various ways for many many years and we would really like to see a brand new beautiful Darbe Mehr. We will be successful in making this happen. The NDMI group is working hard under the leadership of a very able and I must say extremely hard working individual, Edul Daver, who will make it happen. So without hesitating please give whatever you can, to the new building fund. Thank you.

Lastly, thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you as Secretary of the ZAGNY Board. I look forward to another excellent year, a very successful Congress in August, and a BRAND NEW DARBE MEHR for all of us.

Wish you all a happy and healthy year with peace and harmony within our community.

Sheroo Kanga


April 1st, 2012

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